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Visual Essays

How to Use Illustrations in Essays

Pictures can convey more information than words, and sometimes, illustration can help you support your arguments and communicate your point clearly. However, you shouldn’t use illustrations to make your essay longer. Your illustrations should serve a rhetorical purpose and be relevant. When including images in your essays, you should also make sure that they meet the format requirements. Thus, we recommend that you check out these tips from so that you can use illustrations […]

How to Turn Your Essay Into an Infographic

When you present information from one form in another form, this process is called remediation. For example, remediation is narrating a plot of a movie or a book in a podcast. There are many ways to turn one type of information into another type, and the main thing is to ensure clarity. When turning an essay into an infographic, you need to present text in a visual form. This short article from College Writers describes […]

How to Write a Visual Essay

Visual essays are different from other types of essays. A traditional essay focuses on opinions and facts, while a visual essay provides information using images instead of text. First, let’s figure out what a visual essay is in this guide from our writers at It’s a type of writing assignments that requires you to provide images in order to illustrate some topic. Quite often, essays of this kind focus on topics that cannot be […]