How to Turn Your Essay Into an Infographic

How to Turn Your Essay Into an Infographic
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When you present information from one form in another form, this process is called remediation. For example, remediation is narrating a plot of a movie or a book in a podcast. There are many ways to turn one type of information into another type, and the main thing is to ensure clarity. When turning an essay into an infographic, you need to present text in a visual form. This short article from College Writers describes how to do it properly.


Before you start to create an infographic, you should plan it. First of all, you must understand your task and know what requirements your infographic should meet.

Here are a few questions you must consider:

  • Why was the written format beneficial for your ideas? How will your ideas benefit from the infographic?
  • What is the main idea of your essay? What your infographic will be about?
  • Have you had any difficulties with the written format? What is difficult about the infographic format?
  • What thoughts and emotions did you expect from your readers? How should your audience react to your infographic?

Visual Literacy

Once you’ve answered the questions above, you may wonder how to express your ideas visually. To make it right, plan your writing in advance. First, create an outline and think of what are the key ideas of your infographic. After this, design your infographic. You can find numerous templates on the internet and adjust them to your needs.

You may also need to use materials from other sources to make your infographics more interesting. Search for relevant images, diagrams, and other visual materials. Make sure that you are allowed to use these materials for your infographic. Check the necessary ethical and legal guidelines.


You can create the first draft on paper. There are also many kinds of infographic software, including online apps. You may use simple tools like PowerPoint or more advanced solutions, for example, Adobe InDesign. Create your infographic from scratch or modify a template.

When working on your infographic, keep in mind tutoring services and the Digital Media Suite’s resources. We have experts who can help you create an infographic using Adobe Creative Cloud or other programs.