Ideas, Topics, and Writing Tips for an Extended Essay

Ideas, Topics, and Writing Tips for an Extended Essay
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An extended essay is a difficult task for many students. This is a type of research paper that requires you to provide a detailed analysis of the topic. The structure of an extended essay is the same as that of any other essay. It includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. College Writers service prepared some useful tips so that you can write a good extended essay from scratch.

Extended Essays

First, let’s figure out what an extended essay is. An extended essay is longer than 4,000 words. It’s a thesis that you should write under the control of your advisor and it’s an important part of an IB Diploma. If you prepare a successful essay, it might give you extra points for a diploma score.

When you can select a topic, we recommend that you pick a subject that is interesting to you. Brainstorm, generate various ideas and select the best ones.

Examples of Topics

Experts from recommend that you try to choose the most interesting topic because you should have enough space to develop your ideas. Make sure that your topic isn’t too broad. You should narrow it down so that it will make sense. Even though an extended essay allows you to write more than when in the case of regular essays, it still must be specific and original.

There are many topics you can use for your extended essay. We recommend that you come up with a good question based on your theme and subject.

Extended Essay Topics: IB

  • Biology
  • Economics
  • Math
  • Psychology
  • Chemistry
  • History
  • Film
  • English

Definition Essay Topics

  • Racism
  • Right to privacy
  • Sportsmanship
  • Humility
  • Sexism
  • Modesty
  • Team player
  • Laziness
  • Peace of mind

Visual Arts Topics

  • Sculpture of the Classical Period
  • Pottery in the Bronze Age
  • Hellenistic and Roman Pottery
  • Greek Painting
  • The Early Pottery of Greece
  • Mosaics
  • The Dominance of Athens
  • Sculpture in Archaic Greece
  • Portraits
  • Roman Sculpture
  • Roman Painting

Computer Science Topics

  • Computers as educational assistants
  • Algorithms, architectures, and applications of big data
  • Emerging trends in hardware
  • Biomedical engineering in modern medicine
  • Computers vs. humans
  • Data centers and databases for natural-language processing
  • Networking on a large scale

Find an Advisor

To learn how to write extended essays properly, find an advisor. We recommend that you find somebody who has the necessary expertise in your topic. For instance, if you’re writing a paper on Math, you certainly don’t need a history teacher to be your advisor.

Of course, having an advisor isn’t necessary, however, it’s very useful. For instance, it will be difficult for you to prepare a good IB extended essay if you don’t even know what it is. You will need to work with different sources, and an advisor will help you select the right ones. You don’t want to write your essay in a hurry so prepare and start writing your essay in advance.

How to Write an Extended Essay

Extended essays have the same structure as other academic papers. We recommend that you write an outline before writing the essay itself to organize your ideas effectively and clearly understand what your essay will be about.

Your essay should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction must engage your readers and provide a thesis statement. The body must include several paragraphs devoted to different aspects of the topic, and the conclusion should summarize the key points, while also restating the thesis.

Annotated Bibliography

This part requires you to analyze your sources and list all the sources that you’ve used for quotes. We recommend that you write this section while writing the essay itself, adding new sources every time you use a new quote.

Title Page

If you want to write a successful extended essay, make sure that all of the parts are perfect, including the title page. The title page isn’t just a cover of your paper but an important section that should provide some crucial information.

Follow the IB extended essay format and make sure that your paper meets all the requirements. The title page must be a separate section with the title of your work, your IB number, and your name.

How to Write an Introduction and Body

An introduction always requires you to write a thesis statement and to clarify the research question. To get good grades, you should be persuasive, presenting your topic to readers.

Don’t forget to explain why your topic is important. You should have a reason to investigate it. If a topic isn’t worth studying it, your essay won’t be successful. Be clear about the significance of your topic and don’t use too many transitional words.

When writing the body of the essay, consider the topic in more detail and present evidence that supports your claims. We recommend that you choose a classic three-paragraph structure for this section, having one argument for each paragraph.


The conclusion is important for the development of your argument. In this section, you shouldn’t present any new information. This is your last opportunity to impress your readers. Restate your thesis statement but don’t repeat it word-for-word. You should demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

Extended Essay Format

  • When writing the thesis statement, don’t forget to explain why your topic is important.
  • Your main research question should be specific and clear. Make it focused.
  • Use as many sources as you can. You may use primary, secondary, and tertiary sources to provide a full picture.
  • Make sure that you perfectly understand your topic.
  • Include all of the sources you’ve used in the Annotated bibliography section.
  • Ensure the logical flow so that your readers can understand the connection between different arguments.
  • Analyze all the facts before including them in the essay. Make sure that your paper is informative and focused.
  • Keep in mind that the Conclusion is important. Don’t just restate your thesis but leave your readers with something to think about.
  • Don’t use too many passive constructions. Try to write concisely.
  • Always proofread and edit your essays. Many students forget to proofread their papers and then receive bad grades just because they’ve had somу grammar mistakes. Even the best essays may be ruined by missed commas or misspelled words. We recommend that you use grammar checkers and order professional proofreading on our website.

Additional Tips from Professionals

Extended essays are not easy to write. However, you can simplify the writing process significantly if you follow the advice from experts. For example, you should choose a topic you’re passionate about while also making sure that your essay won’t get too emotional. Keep in mind that your word limit is 4,000. However, you may write a longer essay and then turn it into a condensed 4,00-word version. Some essays may also be 2,000 words long.

Start writing as soon as you can. Extended essays may take a lot of time to write so you don’t want to write them in a rush. However, if you don’t have enough time to write an essay yourself, don’t hesitate to buy one on

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