Write the Body Section of Your Paper

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When you’ve been preparing an outline and a thesis statement, you’ve been doing it to make writing the body section easier. This is the central section of your paper where you’ll explain the topic and provide your arguments. College-Writers.Com well tell more about it.

All the points you described in your outline are the basis for the body paragraphs. If you have three or five key points you want to address, there will be three or five paragraphs in the body of your essay.

All the Paragraphs Have the Same Structure

  • Start with your main idea. For example, if your main idea is “populists gain popularity in politics,” you may say: “Populists are supported in many countries, and their popularity grows.”
  • When you know your main idea, write down pieces of evidence that support it.
  • Make sure to elaborate all your supporting ideas:
  • Supporting idea
    Populist candidates are leaders in elections.
  • Elaboration
    List of countries where populist politicians gained significant support during presidential elections.
    – Countries where populist candidates won the elections.
    – The populist trend in modern politics.

You can also end each paragraph with a summarizing sentence. Your essay may benefit from such mini-conclusions, especially if your ideas are complicated or if you provide many facts. On the other hand, make sure these sentences don’t sound too pretentious.
Before you write the final draft of the body section, we suggest writing only the most important points and creating the overall structure so that you can elaborate and polish it later.