What Should I Research?

What Should I Research?
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If you are to write a research paper and you are not limited by the list of topics produced by your teacher, the question ‘what should I write my research paper on?’ can be pretty nasty. In order to choose the best idea to write about be sure to fully understand the topic, as otherwise, you may end wandering around and wasting time you might spend on actually researching.

Really good research paper topics that will not only help you get a high grade for the course, but also make you an expert, should be produced by yourself depending on the subject and your own interest. You will have to spend a lot of time working on it, and it would be hard to produce a really excellent paper on something you hate.

So, if you are thinking ‘what should I research’ problem, you may try using your class book as inspiration (it can as well come from other resources). Going from the opposites, here are the research paper topics you should avoid:

1) Topics that are too broad

You should have an exact problem to write about, and the excess information will be distracting and not helping.

2) Topics that are too narrow

In research paper, you should have an expanse to develop your ideas, and narrow topic will be limiting you, if not mentioning lack of information to use.

3) Topics with little information on

If there is nothing to support your research, you will not be able to wring anything successful with no data.

Go from the broad topic – this can be even the course you are researching for – and narrow it to the actual questions you can research in detail. Be realistic about the resources and time you have, and plan your paper in detail. And make sure you start in advance. Be sure to consult your teacher in case any problem occurs, and you will succeed!

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