The Importance of Using Gender-Inclusive Language in Academic Writing

The Importance of Using Gender-Inclusive Language in Academic Writing
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Although we are living in 2019, there are still people who refer to a person whose gender they don’t know as “he.” Such a habit means that people assume that the normal human being is a man. Of course, referring to a non-specific person as “he” isn’t the biggest problem women face, however, it still contributes to inequality and creates a strong bias.

Language plays a very important role in forming our perceptions and behavior. Obviously, this role of the language becomes even more influential when it is used in the academic world by educators who teach students. Word choice can subconsciously express stereotypes about gender roles which is a reason why we should try to avoid sexism of any kind in our speech and, especially, in academic writing.

We recommend that you always use gender-inclusive language when writing academic papers. However, it doesn’t mean that you should use gender inclusion carelessly. Always make sure that the subject corresponds to the pronoun.

Experts from recommend that you ask yourself the following questions when revising your papers:

  • Was it necessary to mention someone’s gender?
  • Is there any difference in information about man and women?
  • Does your paper contain any gender-biased claims?