What Texting While Driving May Lead To

What Texting While Driving May Lead To
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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration informs that 20% of fatal car accidents are caused by people who are using their mobile phones when driving. Is your conversation more important than your life? You know the consequences, right? There are people who end up killing themselves or other people by being distracted by their phones.

Texting and driving essay is about to discuss this serious problem that is quite widespread in the United States. Texting should be forbidden in the US by now, taking into account a number of accidents across the country. The number of people dying because of this is tremendous. Some people are against texting and driving, but you cannot stay safe for sure as there are people who don’t think about the consequences. You can crash your car, but the consequences can be much worse. What makes you immediately check your phone?

The number of victims of distracted driving is terrifying. In 2007, 5,917 people died while 448,000 were injured in car accidents of this kind. While making a decision to text and drive remember that you’re not the only one on the road and you can take lives of innocent people.

In 2012, ten US states have banned teenagers from text driving by law. You must drive safely and keep your eyes on the road. Otherwise too many people can be injured or worse. Still, there are people who are against this law and think that texting shouldn’t be banned while driving a car. They vote against this law as there are urgent situations that need your immediate answer and you don’t have to worry about getting a ticket. Also, there are people who consider texting with your voice or using a hands free device is harmless.

Another argument against this law is that police should take care of real crimes, stop people who actually break the law, but not to spend time of looking for the ones who text and drive. These are some good arguments but it was proven that people get more distracted when looking at the device, but not talking. It takes 4.6 seconds to read a text. And if you go at speed of 55 MPH, it’s like driving through the football field with your eyes closed. This is in fact dangerous.

If only people knew the facts, they would be against texting and driving. Texting and driving can be compared to drunk driving, so it also should be banned. People know that drunk driving is illegal, it can cause terrible things, so they try to find the ways to get home in the safe way. There’s always a way out, you can take a cab or designated driver.

The laws demand from people to change their habits. It follows that once they’ve learned about drunk driving, they can learn about disadvantages of texting and driving. Check out texting and driving essay and learn more about this issue. I hope that more and more people will become aware of this problem and understand the consequences of possible damage.

To conclude, texting and driving should be banned due to the consequences it can have. It can put someone’s life at a risk, not only yours. The text message can wait and you can keep your eyes on the road.