How to Switch from High School to College Easily

How to Switch from High School to College Easily
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When students come to the point where they must make a transition from high school to the next step of their education, it’s often a sort of culture shock. Some students prepare for such a transition and easily enter this exciting period of their lives, while unprepared, as well as overconfident students, face all the difficulties associated with it. Such companies as help thousands of students with their writing assignments.

As a result of such a shock, 34% of students dropped out in 2008, and since then, this percentage increased every year. In 2015, programs that provided support for first-year students were a reason why this number decreased to 5.9%.

High school and college are completely different in terms of workloads, requirements, and culture. The first year is often the most difficult time for students, so they must be prepared for all the changes in their lives.

Here are a few things that become very important when you switch from high school to college:

  • Professional help from tutors;
  • Creating a plan to be the most productive during the first year;
  • Importance of nutrition;
  • An understanding of the differences between college and high school;
  • Support structures for college students;
  • The ability not to get overwhelmed;
  • Vocation and employment;

Your first year in college may set the tone for your whole education process. Most students who don’t prepare for college are constantly overwhelmed and demonstrate low productivity. Many of them drop out, in fact, they are also unlikely to try to get to college again.

High schools and colleges often create partnership programs to help young students easily switch between different types of environment. Students just need to take this advantage and use such resources.

Usually, the preparation process begins in high school, where students can attend special courses or try dual enrollment during their senior year. When students are familiar with both college and high school types of environment, it’s easier for them to see the difference and understand how to prepare.

Working During College

Another important aspect for every student is getting prepared for employment. Most students need to work when they get to college, and many of them do it for the first time in their lives. As for the full-time students, they often work in summer.

Working during high school is stressful itself, however, when combined with college life, it can easily make students feel anxious and exhausted.

Here is some advice for you:

  • Plan your budget so that you can understand how much you need to earn;
  • Try to start working while you’re still living at home;
  • Don’t choose a job that requires the same skills as your specialization in college because you’ll get tired of the same behavior and tasks;
  • Try not to overwork.

Most often, students drop out because of the financial stress. When preparing for college, it’s important to know your financial capabilities. Another important thing is understanding what are you going to get from college.

Given that the cost of college constantly grows, many people think that traditional college education is not the best choice at all. Many experts suggest that students switch to other option, such as vocational schools.

  • Traditional colleges prepare students for various career paths during the first year;
  • Vocational schools are a good option if a student has already decided what career he or she is looking for.

Most modern companies require undergraduate training, so vocational schools may help those who are looking for a career in a certain industry.

Time Management

It’s important for students to develop good time management skills when going to college, and that’s where tutors come in handy. You must embrace the fact that your college life will involve many kinds of activity. Thus, you must perfectly balance between academic goals and recreation, which requires well-developed time management skills.

Tutors not only help students properly set goals but also teach them accountability. According to the data from Cengage, 50% of first-year students describe time management as their biggest challenge. 80% of college students had to change their time management model during the first year. Such a transition will be easier if students work on their organization skills during their last year in high school.

Here is a nice exercise for everyone who wants to improve his or her time management skills: write a to-do list every day. If you don’t manage to complete all the tasks today, the remainder goes to the next day, immediately limiting your time and protecting you from procrastination.

When you cross off items from your list, it gives you satisfaction and helps you manage your time properly.

New Study Skills

Tutors can also help you develop new study skills that you will need in college. If you didn’t have any problems with studying in high school, it doesn’t mean that you’re prepared for college, as the requirements change.

Tutors will help you develop useful habits that will help you retain knowledge and formulate critical opinions. Experienced tutors know how students learn and what skills they need.

The Importance of Nutrition and Sleep

Even if these factors seem to be too obvious or not important, every student should realize that cognitive functions and their ability to make decisions directly depend on how much energy they have.

During their first year in college, many students notice health problems associated with poor nutrition, stress, and sleep deprivation.

Nutrition and health are especially important for every student. However, even proper nutrition is not as important as sleep. According to a research by Trockel, sleep habits directly affect any student’s productivity, being even more important than eating, exercising, time management, and other factors. Students who don’t have enough sleep or wake up too late usually demonstrate lower grades.

Many researchers agree that sleep habits have a direct impact on first-year students’ success. First-year students often develop sleep deprivation because they have more freedoms and opportunities. As a result, they don’t sleep enough, and their productivity drops. Thus, if you have any sleep disorders, we suggest consulting a doctor.

Some researchers claim that sleep patterns of first-year students have changed over the last 10 years, and students sleep more. Now students sleep 7 hours on average, compared to five hours 10 years ago.

Gaining Knowledge and Pounds

An average student gains seven pounds during the first year in college, however, the “freshman 15” is also a common thing. When students get to college, they need to provide their nutrition, and many of them do it for the first time in their lives. Thus, there’s no surprise that many of them choose to eat fast food, as eating healthy requires them to spend more time and effort. Here are a few tips for students who don’t want to add new pounds to their weight:

  • Coffee with sugar, as well as energy drinks, make you gain weight.
  • Eat various food to stay interested. You may eat more when there’s the same food every day.
  • According to research, those who eat in front of the TV gain weight faster.
  • Have some healthy snacks with you so that you can stay focused.
  • Know your potion and try not to overeat.
  • Exercise to maintain a healthy weight and to have enough energy.
  • Don’t skip breakfast, otherwise, you’ll eat more during the day.
  • Take some vitamin supplements. Sometimes, your body needs some elements that your food doesn’t have.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking.

Another important thing about your physical health is that it directly impacts your mental health. Make health your main priority in order to stay productive.

Main Differences Between College and High School

The first and the main difference between high school and college is a new level of personal freedom. However, students must have a certain level of personal accountability if they want to benefit from this freedom. Otherwise, they may drop out and move back home during their first year in college.

First of all, you should manage your expectations. You must assess your skills, knowledge, and attitudes which are necessary for you to successfully switch from high school to college. Think of what skills you need to develop, what knowledge will be the most important, and what attitudes may help you during your first year in college. Evaluating these parameters is your first step towards creating a complete roadmap of your transition. This is an interesting process that will help you learn more about yourself.