Speech Presentation Tips

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Presenting a speech usually means you have to appear before the footlights, with lots of people concentrating on you and on what you are saying. It implies a great deal of responsibility and can make you worry that something might go wrong. That’s why your speech must be prepared and rehearsed in advance. And the authors of College Writers will help you to make the preparation most effective.

When your writing piece is ready, it is time to practice your performance. But before that, it would be better for you to make some important decisions:

  • do you want to write out the entire speech or to use index cards? If you know your topic well, index cards are a good solution. You can use separate cards to note the main statement, some supporting points, jokes and quotes; write down fragments of sentences, single words or phrases, which will help you follow your speech. If you are not sure about the topic, it would be better for you to write the speech out in order not to forget any important information.
  • whether to create a PowerPoint presentation or use paper-based graphs. You might choose not to use visual aids at all but it will definitely help your speech look fresher and be more engaging for the audience. Remember that you should be careful with visual elements. They can both enhance the effect of your speech and overshadow it. So, better keep your visuals to the minimum.

Time to practice

  • To know exactly how much time your speech takes, set a timer. You will be given a specific period of time to present your speech. So, you must make sure it’s not too long and covers all the essential information. Don’t forget to save some time for your Q&A section.
  • Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror or present it to your friend. If you ask your friend to comment on your speech, don’t be afraid of his criticism. Someone else’s point of view may help you avoid significant mistakes while presenting your speech to the audience.
  • Speak slowly and don’t confound words. To make sure, use your camera and record your rehearsal. It will show how you appear to the audience, how your voice sounds, and will help you analyze your body language. You must look natural, while your gestures must support your speech.

One of the most important things about practicing is to do it more than once. Remember that practice makes perfect. It is the basis of your successful speech.

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