Learn How to Write Rhetorical Precis with College-writers.com

Learn How to Write Rhetorical Precis with College-writers.com
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Writing a rhetorical precis can be challenging for students, but it is useful to know how to do it right. Precis is a short type of summary that highlights rhetorical aspects and main points of the article under consideration. Students have to use a special format of conclusions in their essays, articles, and other types of academic writing.

If you have no idea how to write precis, use tips from College-writers.com and master your skills in academic writing. We can provide you with useful tips for writing and an experienced writer to deal with your task.

How to Write Precis

Do you know how to write a rhetorical analysis? It can be about books, films, TV shows, etc. You have to learn how to determine author’s main point. If you know how to write precis, you won’t have any troubles with assignment.

Precis paragraph format has a standardized 4-sentence structure. The following elements are included in the paragraph:

  • Author’s name, title of the work under consideration, and genre (write date and other publishing information in parenthesis). The first sentence of the rhetorical precis also includes a rhetorical verb (suggests, implies, argues, asserts, claims, etc.), and THAT-clause highlighting major points of the work;

  • In the 2nd sentence we explain in a chronological way how the author develops the thesis;

  • The 3rd sentence answers the question “Why?” and includes author’s apparent purpose;

  • The 4th sentence explains “to whom” the work is addressed and establishes the relationship between the writer and a target audience.

The standard precis writing format is easy to remember. Although the assignment seems difficult at first, once you remember the structure format and have some practice, you won’t have trouble with writing it.

Students have to remember that a paragraph of precis format isn’t evaluative but analytical. You don’t have to express your personal opinion about the paper work. Your aim is to provide objective insight on the writer’s work and how the arguments are presented. In other words, you have to learn how to make precise (precis from French) conclusions about the work you read.

Check out precis example format and learn how to write it. This type of paragraph can be a great beginning of your essay serving as a ‘roadmap’ of your paper.