Quick Guide on Writing an Appendix

Quick Guide on Writing an Appendix
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When writing a research paper or preparing a presentation, the chances are that some paragraphs won’t explain the necessary information entirely. In this case, you need to include an appendix, but how to do it properly? Don’t worry, this guide from CollegeWriters team will help you. Before we consider writing an appendix in detail, let’s figure out what it is.

Appendix: What Is It?

An appendix includes extra information or raw data. This section is included at the end of the citation page with references. However, your teacher might suggest a particular place where you should include the appendix. This section is aimed to provide your readers with insights that will help them better understand your document.

An appendix is included at the end of the paper because it provides extra information. It may be not useful for the whole audience and it might take too much space if included in the main body. However, if this information supports your claims, people who are interested in learning more can get the necessary information in the appendix.

An appendix can also be a part of a presentation. In this case, it should also be the last part of the presentation. However, when making a presentation in a PDF format or printing it, you may hide this section.

What to Include in an Appendix

An appendix can include different types of information, such as:

1. Graphs and charts;

2. Diagrams, drawings, and maps;

3. Suggested sources;

4. Paragraphs with text;

5. Examples with photographs or images;

6. Links to websites.

Don’t forget that your appendix must only provide details that you refer to in the main body of the paper. There shouldn’t be any irrelevant facts or information that doesn’t actually support your point.

The Content

Raw data

An appendix is a place where you can provide raw data that you’ve collected while researching your topic. This data can be any information that helps readers understand your point and supports it.

For example, you can include statistics or calculations in the form of raw data if they help you provide an extended explanation of the points discussed in your paper. They must be also presented as references in the main body.

If you refer to somebody else’s work in your paper or use an external source of information, you need to cite them properly to avoid plagiarism. Depending on the subject and the type of research, you may use different citation formats, such as MLA, Chicago, APA, etc. When writing your paper in MS Word, you can use the Style feature to format your citations according to MLA or APA.

Visual documents

As we’ve already mentioned above, you can also use diagrams, images, charts, drawings, and maps. Visual content can help your readers better understand the information. The main advantage of providing visual content in the appendix is that you can save more space in the body of your paper. You can just reference them in the main body so that readers who want to learn more can check the appendix for more detail.

Not only can you include your own images, charts, and graphs, but also those created by other researchers. However, in this case, it’s especially important to cite them properly so that your readers can know that these materials are not yours.


Your readers can also benefit from reading about the instruments that you’ve used during the research. Note this in the appendix, mentioning any instruments, such as a video recorder, tape recorder, camera, etc.

You should also make sure that your readers understand how you used these instruments while researching your topic or conducting interviews because the main idea is to help them get a grasp on your method.


In the appendix, you can include complete transcripts of your interviews, as well as answers to survey questions and correspondence. You can also provide photocopies of your handwritten notes if you’ve conducted your research on paper.

The Format

Like any other part of your assignment, the appendix should also be properly organized, meeting the requirements listed below.


A title of the appendix can be written according to the same format as you’ve used throughout the whole document, using the same font. However, the title of the appendix can also be capitalized: “APPENDIX.”

You can organize different parts of the appendix using such subtitles as “Appendix A,” “Appendix B,” etc. Another approach is to use numbers instead of letters: “Appendix 1,” “Appendix 2,” etc. No matter what approach you choose, you must use it consistently.

If you have more than one appendix, you can include each part on a new page to avoid confusion.

Content structure

You should organize the content of the appendix according to the way it’s referenced in the main body. For instance, if you’ve mentioned some graph in the first paragraph, you should begin your appendix with it. This way of organization is easy to understand and convenient for your readers.

Page numbers and placement

We recommend that you place the appendix after the reference list. However, your professor might have other requirements, so make sure to clarify this issue before you start to write your paper. Make sure to include the appendix title in the table content.

If you have more than one appendix, write each one of them on a new page and use letters or numbers to separate these sections. You can also provide page numbers at the bottom of the page or at the right corner.

The pages of your appendix must have the same numbering style as the rest of your paper. Continue the numbering to the appendix so that it will be an integral part of the paper.

Polish Your Appendix

Editing and reviewing are necessary for any writing assignment so once you’ve finished writing the appendix, review it and make sure that it’s perfect in terms of logic, grammar, and structure.

Review and revise

There are no universal requirements regarding the length of the appendix. However, it shouldn’t be too long. Make sure that your appendix covers all the necessary information and ask your professor to take a look at it. Feedback will help you understand whether you need to add or remove something.

Remove any information that is irrelevant or doesn’t support your opinion. Same way, if some of your points need additional support, add this information to your appendix.

Check for quality

You should make sure that your appendix is spotless. Check punctuation and grammar because this section of your paper should be free of mistakes. Use spellcheck on your computer and read your paper a few times. You can also order professional proofreading on College-Writers.com.

Check citations

Make sure that your appendix is cited properly in the main body and that the titles are used consistently. The information from the appendix must be relevant to the citations in the main body.