Law School Admission Test: 12 Useful Tips

Law School Admission Test: 12 Useful Tips
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Those who want to study law should be ready for the fact that LSAT (Law School Admission Test) will be a sort of problem. Fortunately, College-Writers know what difficulties potential students face. We really want to help you so we decided to provide you with some helpful information.

1. Study more

First, find the most effective study materials. Start preparing for the test in advance. It will be good if you start studying the necessary materials a few months before the test. Try to devote a few hours every day to studying.

2. Practice more

While preparing, take sample tests and get acquainted with the common types of questions. We also suggest setting a timer so you can know how fast you can cope with tests.

3. Check a list of items

There is a list of things you can and cannot bring into the room when taking the test. For example, you’re not allowed to bring tablets and smartphones. If you bring something, you should make sure these items fit into a Ziploc. You’ll also need to present your ID and to sign a certifying statement to prove your identity.

4. Prepare to spend a lot of time in the test room

The whole test takes about 7 hours, which is quite a long period of time. If you want to eat a snack, you should do it during a break time. Obviously, you’ll also need to go to the bathroom in advance — it’s difficult to leave the room after you come there. Fortunately, you’ll also have a 15-minute break after the third section.

5. Be there on time

Keep in mind that you won’t be able to get in after the test begins.

6. Answer all the questions

The difference between SAT and LSAT is that LSAT allows you to give a wrong answer without penalties. Thus, it’s better to answer all of them.

7. Get ready to sit where you are told to sit

Your supervisor will tell you where you should sit so if you have a favorite place (for example, near the window), just forget about it.

8. Think of your points

Regardless of the complexity level, all LSAT questions are worth the same points. Thus, there’s no need to waste your time trying to answer the most difficult questions. Start with the easiest ones, and then move further.

9. Listen to the supervisor

There are timed sections where the supervisor will tell you when to begin and when to stop. The supervisor will also tell if there are only five minutes left. Prepare for testing staff making sure you are marking all questions properly and work on the right section.

10. Location

The information on the location of your test will be in the admission ticket. If there are many buildings in that area, you can even make a visit so that you can quickly be in the right place when taking the exam.

11. Mind time management

There are several multiple-choice segments. You have 35 minutes to complete each one of them, answering 27 questions. You won’t be able to complete the whole test if you get stuck with one difficult question. Therefore, if you don’t know the answer, it’s better to move on.

12. Focus on your task

There are so many questions in the LSAT test that it’s easy to get lost in them. Stay focused on what you’re working on now.

Final Thoughts

If you’re going to take LSAT, it means that you’ve already been preparing for it for months. Thus, make sure to take enough practice tests to know exactly what to expect. After you take the exam, you’ll have to wait about three weeks. You’ll receive an email with your score. If you’re not satisfied with your result, here’s the good news: you can take this test again. College-Writers team can help you evaluate your potential score, but the final result depends on you. Keep in mind that if you take more than one test, some universities may consider your average score, which means that your new score must be higher.