Interview With a Research Writer — Lisa

Interview With a Research Writer — Lisa
4.4 (87.27%) 11 votes

How did you start working as a writer?
I saw that a research company is looking for a freelance writer and applied. I always loved learning something new about the world, and I’m a good writer, so I thought that I’ll be good at it. I also live next to a big public library, which helps me. Another thing that I love about this job is that my schedule is flexible, and I can work wherever I want. I didn’t know about this company until my boyfriend told me about it. So I applied, and now, here I am!
What are your favorite subjects?
I love philosophy, psychology, social sciences, and everything related to moral issues. I like people, and I like to learn more about different people from different countries. It’s interesting to see how societies change as people explore new religions and create new political structures. I like to investigate what motivates people to take certain actions, and how individualistic and altruistic worldviews evolve under different circumstances.
How do you plan your work?
Usually, I start brainstorming and try to find arguments for and against. I just try to generate as many ideas as possible so that I can use them further. After that, I write an outline and start searching for sources. I go to the library and search for articles and books about my topic. Sometimes I need to follow specific guidelines, so I draw up the structure, and then start writing my first draft.
What inspires you?
First of all, I appreciate such a great opportunity to work independently. I also like my job because I always learn something new, and I know that my ideas will help somebody.
Where do you work?
I sit in my fourth-floor apartment with my laptop. I like pictures of my town outside the window, this is one of the oldest towns in the USA. Sometimes I want to change the scenery, so I go to a coffee shop or to the library.
You need to be creative. Is it difficult?
Well, it sounds more difficult than it actually is. The main thing is to start writing. Some of us are perfectionists who just can’t start writing the next page until the previous one is spotless. I stick to a plan: first, I write, and then I edit. That’s all. Even if my first draft is bad, I know that I can make it great with a little bit of work.
Do you have pets?
Yes, I have two cats, and they are the cutest creatures in the world! They both are very nice and they always greet me at the door.
Where do you get any ideas for your work?
Ideas are everywhere. Sometimes we just forget them, but in fact, every one of us generates thousands of original ideas every day. No matter what you do — you can watch movies, or take a walk and see something interesting. There is inspiration everywhere, and all you have to do is just grab it and turn it into some argument, or even into a novel.