How to Study: Tips for Reading/Writing Learners

How to Study: Tips for Reading/Writing Learners
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Everyone learns differently because every one of us has his or her particular style of absorbing information. A human brain can operate in different ways, so people shouldn’t always use the same studying technique. There are four common types of learners: auditory, reading/writing, visual, and kinesthetic.

All the types are equally effective, and many people use more than one learning style. Reading/writing learners prefer to study taking notes and reading textual content. Here are some tips at that will help you study more effectively if you belong to this category of students.

Take Notes

Reading/writing students have a certain advantage because the traditional school curriculum is tailored to their needs. Most professors and teachers emphasize the importance of note-taking and tell their students to review their notes in order to remember more information.

Taking notes is good but you should also know how to take notes effectively. We suggest that you paraphrase what you see on the slides and what your professor says. The thing is that you don’t need to write everything word-for-word. If you rephrase everything in your own words, you will remember more and understand this information better.

Some students think that they can just listen, trying to remember everything said in order to write it down later. Perhaps, somebody can use this approach more or less effectively, but you have to be an auditory learner to make it. We suggest that you write down key ideas during the class so you can be sure that you don’t forget anything.

Re-Write and Re-Read

Of course, it’s not enough to just take notes during the class. If you’re a reading/writing learner, you will also benefit from re-reading your own notes and re-writing them. It will help you remember more, especially when you write. In this case, new information is attached to the physical motion. Given that reading/writing students usually demonstrate a high level of reading comprehension, you can re-read your notes, articles, or textbooks time after time, if you don’t understand something. Even if you don’t have enough time to re-read everything, go through the main concepts once more and skim for the most important parts.

Read Additional Information

If you’re one of those students who benefit the most from reading, you may learn and understand more by reading supplementary information on your topic. Don’t limit yourself to the assigned articles or chapters, and look for more information that will help you clarify some difficult details. You can always understand more if you look for more in-depth information.

For example, if you’re studying global warming, you can read the necessary chapter in the book and then search for more information on greenhouse gases and how they are produced. This way, you will be able to support your knowledge with some specific examples, demonstrating a good understanding of your topic.

Make a List

If you’re a reading/writing learner, the chances are you can quickly organize your thoughts by writing lists. Your thoughts and important concepts will make more sense to you if you list them out in a certain order. Making lists is a very good practice. If we’re using lists when going to a grocery store, why not use them when studying?

This simple method will help you make sure you don’t forget anything, and your brain will be able to easily organize any information when you prepare for the test. There are no rules regarding the order in which you should list your thoughts. The main thing is that this list should be helpful and make sense to you.