80 Funny Topics for Your Speech

80 Funny Topics for Your Speech
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If you know what you are going to talk about, you can easily prepare a speech, and it won’t take too much of your time. The first and the most important thing you have to do is choosing a good topic. This is why we decided to collect some funny topics that will help you write a creative and hilarious speech.

Some topics are written in the form of questions. Answer these questions in your speech, and it will be done. Don’t forget that your success mostly depends on the type of audience. Some topics may seem funny for some people but not funny for others.Thus, think about your audience, choose your topic, and do your best to grab attention and persuade them.

Funny Persuasive Topics for College Students

  1. How not to pass exams easily.
  2. Best excuses if you don’t have your homework done.
  3. The dumbest accident in your life.
  4. How to procrastinate better than others.
  5. How to become a next Miss Universe.
  6. The most embarrassing experience in your life.
  7. How to look intelligent?
  8. The oddest hobbies.
  9. How to lie properly.
  10. The strangest kind of sport.
  11. How to judge people based on their hobby?
  12. How to catch a cold.
  13. The funniest t-shirt prints.
  14. How to use corporate jargon more often?
  15. The strangest invention.
  16. How to persuade somebody else to do your homework?

Funny Persuasive Topics for High School Students

  1. The most impressive words.
  2. The silliest advertising you’ve ever seen.
  3. Your worst haircuts.
  4. What houses say about their owners.
  5. We should ban Mondays.
  6. Beauty is overrated.
  7. The most famous fail.
  8. Why shouldn’t you boil milk in an electric kettle?
  9. How to use the weirdest words in everyday conversations?
  10. The oddest record ever.
  11. What makes “little people” a less offensive expression than “dwarf”?
  12. Your household rules.
  13. How to look innocent.
  14. The best trick played on you.
  15. How to save paper towels?
  16. Grades are overrated.
  17. The funniest sayings you’ve ever heard.
  18. We should ban skinny jeans.
  19. College tuition fees should include coffee and parking.
  20. How to explain your failures using the horoscope.
  21. Why do men think they are funnier than women?
  22. What are the main functions of a thumb and other fingers?
  23. The work week should be shorter.
  24. How to increase your IQ by playing games.
  25. Are horrors good for those who love adrenaline?
  26. “Harry Potter” must be banned for promoting witchcraft.
  27. Why is being fair actually bad for you?
  28. How to persuade friends to pay for your drinks in a pub.
  29. Why do men think women can’t be presidents?
  30. Men gossip more than women.
  31. The most embarrassing speech blunders of famous people.

Funny Topics About Food

  1. How to eat the food that you hate?
  2. How to overcome your psychological blocks when cutting pumpkins for Halloween?
  3. The food that you don’t like to eat.
  4. Vegetables have feelings too.
  5. Potatoes can be shy.
  6. Is it wrong to steal if do it for your family?
  7. How to teach cabbages to talk?
  8. All people should eat junk food.
  9. How to treat broccoli with less violence?

Funny Topics About Animals

  1. The cutest things your pet does.
  2. How to know if your pet is actually intelligent?
  3. Fashion for poodles.
  4. Do vegetarians really love animals?
  5. Teach your pet how to talk.
  6. What do paw lines tell us about a dog?
  7. Does your pet need counseling?
  8. What your pet would say if it could talk?

Funny Topics About Relationships

  1. How to persuade other people to do things for you?
  2. How to get rid of somebody who is annoying?
  3. How to force people to love you?
  4. How to know if your boyfriend or girlfriend loves you?
  5. What presents your family deserves?
  6. How to understand what your parents are talking about?
  7. How to annoy people properly?
  8. Are your friends really your friends?
  9. Men are happier than women.
  10. How to avoid a date?
  11. Why are dads weird?
  12. How to teach your grandparents to send SMS.
  13. What must a person know before the first kiss?
  14. What should a man do if a woman hits him?
  15. How to make your mother spend less time on Facebook?
  16. How to live with your parents when you’re 30 years old.

Now you have a bunch of hilarious topics so you can easily write a funny persuasive speech. For example, you can teach others how to annoy people professionally. If you don’t know what your speech should look like, you can check out our sample essays and get some fresh ideas.

Now you don’t need to spend a lot of time looking for a good topic, just select one from our list. Start answering any question and create your speech. Develop your own ideas, think what your audience wants to hear, ad what will be really funny for them. You have to entertain them and make them laugh. This is your main goal when writing a funny persuasive speech.

If our samples didn’t help you and you still can’t figure out how to write your speech, you shouldn’t worry. Just let us help you directly. Contact us anytime you need and we will find a great writer who will write a funny persuasive speech for you. Our writers always provide customers with the best content, so you can be sure that the quality of their work will satisfy all your requirements.