5 Writing Tips for Thanksgiving

5 Writing Tips for Thanksgiving
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College-Writers team wishes you a lovely Thanksgiving and a joyous holiday season!

Preparing for Thanksgiving may be a sort of trouble, but it’s a fun time when people see their relatives and friends. It’s also a nice reason not to assign your children just another boring homework but to choose one of our Thanksgiving writing prompts.

1. Tweet!

Imagine that you’re a turkey that sneaked in the farmer’s house and got access to the computer. Now you’re on Twitter and you have time to write no more than five tweets. What you would like to tweet if you were a turkey?

2. Traditions

Different families have different traditions associated with Thanksgiving. Some people travel, while others invite their friends and family. Does your family have traditions? Describe your regular Thanksgiving and tell what family traditions you like.

3. Invitation to Dinner

Imagine that you can invite one special guest, any living or dead person. Who would you like to invite? Maybe, it would be George Washington or Tom Brady? Write down a list of 10 questions you’d like to ask this person.

4. Favorite Foods

Everyone can tell what they like to eat at Thanksgiving. Imagine yourself visiting the Pilgrims and Native Americans. What food would you bring to that first Thanksgiving in history?

5. Leaf Pile

You and your friend explore your neighborhood and find a huge leaf pile. You both jump into the middle of it and start sliding down. What is at the end of the slide? Write your story and include at least 3 interesting things that happened to you and your friend. Don’t forget to tell about how you got back home.